
Internal page for MACH project members

  • /bio/db
    • Public biological sequence and related data.
  • /data/mach/<user>
    • Data by project MACH will be kept under
    • <user> is a person who put the data / did the analysis.
    • How MiSeq raw read data and analyzed data are organized will be desided among the users of the project.
cd /data/mach
mkdir <user> #e.g. mkdir mickey
Priority Group name of priviledge Purpose Note
HighmachUsage for MACH project by the project members.Distribute evenly among users (e.g. for biological analysis and for simulation) (by ticket, nice value etc. on SLURM)
machcolabCoollaborative studies by MACH members
ufro-internalNeed to submit user form (e.g. Name, affiliation, purpose of usage, desired account if any)
LowexternalNeed to submit user form (e.g. Name, affiliation, purpose of usage, desired account if any)
Queue name Duration of one job Memory per job
small6hr medium72hr
Group of priviledge Number of simultaneous jobs
defaulte.g. 30?

Submit an application form if one wants to request large resources, say, storage, memory per queue, number of similutaneously running queues/cpu.

  • namespace/doc-mach/soroban.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/05/19 02:34
  • by mickey