cd /data/mach
mkdir <user> #e.g. mkdir mickey
Priority | Group name of priviledge | Purpose | Note | |
High | mach | Usage for MACH project by the project members. | Distribute evenly among users (e.g. for biological analysis and for simulation) (by ticket, nice value etc. on SLURM) | |
machcolab | Coollaborative studies by MACH members | | | |
ufro-internal | Need to submit user form (e.g. Name, affiliation, purpose of usage, desired account if any) | | |
Low | external | Need to submit user form (e.g. Name, affiliation, purpose of usage, desired account if any) | | |
Queue name | Duration of one job | Memory per job | | |
small | 6hr | | medium | 72hr |
Group of priviledge | Number of simultaneous jobs | | | |
default | e.g. 30? | | | |
Submit an application form if one wants to request large resources, say, storage, memory per queue, number of similutaneously running queues/cpu.