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namespace:cluster_soroban [2020/11/11 07:59]
namespace:cluster_soroban [2020/11/11 09:24] (current)
Line 11: Line 11:
   - Conocimientos básicos de Linux y su linea de comando (CLI)   - Conocimientos básicos de Linux y su linea de comando (CLI)
-===== Herramientas ​=====+=====   ​===== 
 +===== Aplicaciones disponibles en Soroban (system) ===== 
 +Compiladores,​ interpretes,​ librerias, y utilidades 
 +índice : A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|[[:​o|O]]|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z 
 +^ ^Software^Versión^Descripción| 
 +|**A** | | | | 
 +| |Anaconda python|3.7.8|Interprete python optimizado| 
 +|**B** | | | | 
 +|**C** |cmake|3.15.4|Utilidad para compilar en Linux| 
 +|**D** | | | | 
 +|**E** | | | | 
 +|**F** | | | | 
 +|**G** | | | | 
 +| |GCC|8.3.1|Compilador c/​c++/​fortran| 
 +| |GCC|5.5.5|Compilador c/​c++/​fortran| 
 +| |Go|1.15.2|Compilador de Lenguaje GO| 
 +| |Clang|3.4.2|Compilador c/c++ de LLVM| 
 +|**H** | | | | 
 +| |HDF5|1.10.5|FileSystem Distribuido| 
 +|**I** | | | | 
 +|**J** | | | | 
 +| |Java Develop Kit (JDK)|11.0.8|JDK (openjdk) librerias/​compilador JAVA| 
 +|**K** | | | | 
 +|**L** | | | | 
 +|**M** | | | | 
 +| |Math Kernel Library (MKL)|2018.4-274|Librerias matemáticas optimizadas de Intel| 
 +|**N** | | | | 
 +|**O** | | | | 
 +| |openmpi|1.10.7|Programación paralela| 
 +| |openmpi|3.1.5|Programación paralela| 
 +| |openmpi|1.6.5|Programación paralela| 
 +| |openmpi|2.1.6|Programación paralela| 
 +| |openblas|3.3-2|Implementación opensource de BLAS y LAPACK ; algebra lineal| 
 +|**P** | | | | 
 +| |Perl|5.16.3|Interprete del lenguaje Perl| 
 +|**Q** | | | | 
 +|**R** | | | | 
 +|**S** | | | | 
 +|**T** | | | | 
 +|**U** | | | | 
 +|**V** | | | | 
 +|**W** | | | | 
 +|**X** | | | | 
 +|**Y** | | | | 
 +|**Z** | | | | 
 +====== Aplicaciones Científicas ====== 
 +Bioinformatics,​ Chemistry, Physics, etc 
 +índice : A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z 
 +| \\ **#** | \\ **Aplicación** | \\ **Versión** | \\ **Descripción** | 
 +|**A** | | | | 
 +| |aragorn|1.2.38|tRNA (and tmRNA) detection| 
 +| |arb|6.0.6|Phylogenetic analysis of rRNA and other biological sequences such as amino acids| 
 +| |ascp|3.9.9|–| 
 +|**B** | | | | 
 +| |bowtie2|0.7.17|software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome| 
 +| |bwa|2.4.1|alineación de secuencias y el análisis de secuencias en bioinformática| 
 +| |blast+|2.9.0|Alineamiento de secuencias de tipo local, ya sea de ADN, ARN o de proteínas| 
 +| |blast+|2.10.0(default)|Alineamiento de secuencias de tipo local, ya sea de ADN, ARN o de proteínas| 
 +| |blast|2.2.26|Alineamiento de secuencias de tipo local, ya sea de ADN, ARN o de proteínas| 
 +| |bedtools|2.29.2|swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks| 
 +| |bedops|2.4.38|highly scalable and easily-parallelizable genome analysis toolkit| 
 +| |beagle-lib|3.1.2|high-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics| 
 +| |bcftools|1.10.2|set of utilities that manipulate variant calls| 
 +| |bbtools|38.86|suite of fast, multithreaded bioinformatics tools designed for analysis of DNA and RNA sequence data| 
 +| |barrnap|0.9|predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes| 
 +| |bamtools|2.5.1|toolkit for handling BAM files.| 
 +| | | | | 
 +|**C** | | | | 
 +| |cufflinks|2.10|finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads| 
 +| |circos|2.2.1|Transcriptome assembly and differential expression analysis for RNA-Seq.| 
 +| |cutadapt|0.69-9|for visualizing data and information. It visualizes data in a circular layout| 
 +| |checkm|1.1.2|set of tools for assessing the quality of genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, or metagenomes| 
 +| |cdhit|4.8.1|Takes a fasta format sequence database as input and produces a set of '​non-redundant'​ (nr)…| 
 +| |canu|1.9|Fork of the Celera Assembler designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing| 
 +| | | | | 
 +| | | | | 
 +|**D** | | | | 
 +| |diamond|0.9.35|molecular and crystal structure visualization software| 
 +|**E** | | | | 
 +|**F** | | | | 
 +|**G** | | | | 
 +| |gromacs|2019.4|Modelamiento Molecular| 
 +|**H** | | | | 
 +| |hmmer|2.3.2|biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models .| 
 +| |hmmer|3.1b1|biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models .| 
 +| |hmmer|3.1b2|biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models .| 
 +| |hmmer|3.2.1|biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models .| 
 +| | | | | 
 +|**I** | | | | 
 +|**J** | | | | 
 +|**K** | | | | 
 +|**L** | | | | 
 +|**M** | | | | 
 +|**N** | | | | 
 +| |Namd2|2019-11-27-multicore|Modelamiento Molecular| 
 +|**P** | | | | 
 +|**Q** | | | | 
 +|**R** | | | | 
 +| |R|3.6.1|Analísis Estadistico| 
 +| | | | | 
 +|**W** | | | | 
 +| |WRF|3.9.1|Mesoscale numerical weather prediction| 
 +| |WRF|4.0|Mesoscale numerical weather prediction| 
 +|**X** | | | | 
 +| \\ **6** | \\ netcdf/c| \\ 4.7.3| \\ Network Common Data Form| 
 +| \\ **7** | \\ netcdf/​fortran| \\ 4.5.2| \\ Network Common Data Form| 
 +| \\ **8** | \\ quantum-espresso/​schrodinger| \\ 6.4.1-2019-4| \\ Modelamiento Molecular| 
 +| \\ **32** | \\ eggnog-mapper| \\ 2.0.1| \\ tool for functional annotation of large sets of sequences based on fast orthology assignments using precomputed clusters| 
 +| \\ **33** | \\ EMBOSS| \\ 6.6.0| \\ European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite| 
 +| \\ **34** | \\ FastANI| \\ 1.3| \\ Produces accurate ANI estimates and is faster than alignment (e.g., BLAST)- based approaches.| 
 +| \\ **35** | \\ vcftools| \\ 0.1.17| \\ package designed for working with VCF files| 
 +| \\ **36** | \\ Unicycler| \\ 0.4.9b| \\ assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes| 
 +| \\ **37** | \\ tRNAscan-SE| \\ 2.0.5| \\ searches for tRNA genes in genomic sequences| 
 +| \\ **38** | \\ trinityrnaseq| \\ 2.11.0| \\ Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly| 
 +| \\ **39** | \\ trf| \\ 4.09| \\ Analyze DNA sequences| 
 +| \\ **40** | \\ TransDecoder| \\ 5.5.0| \\ Assist in the identification of potential coding regions within ….| 
 +| \\ **41** | \\ tophat| \\ 2.1.1| \\ Alineación del rendimiento de las lecturas de secuenciación de cDNA …| 
 +| \\ **42** | \\ tbl2asn| \\ 3.10.0| \\ Automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank| 
 +| \\ **43** | \\ ssu-align| \\ 0.1.1| \\ identifying,​ aligning, masking and visualizing archaeal 16S, bacterial 16S and eukaryotic 18S…| 
 +| \\ **44** | \\ sratoolkit| \\ 2.10.7| \\ Using the SRA Toolkit to convert .sra files into other formats …| 
 +| \\ **45** | \\ SPAdes| \\ 3.14.1| \\ Assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines.| 
 +| \\ **46** | \\ SPAdes| \\ 3.13.2| \\ Assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines.| 
 +| \\ **47** | \\ SINA| \\ 1.6.1| \\ accurate high-throughput multiple sequence alignment of ribosomal RNA genes.| 
 +| \\ **48** | \\ seqtk| \\ 1.3| \\ A fast and lightweight tool for processing sequences in the FASTA or FASTQ format.| 
 +| \\ **49** | \\ seqkit| \\ 0.12.1| \\ Seqkit is a tool for manipulating fasta and fastq files.| 
 +| \\ **50** | \\ samtools| \\ 1.10.2| \\ suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data| 
 +| \\ **51** | \\ salmon| \\ 1.2.1| \\ Is a tool for quantifying the expression of transcripts using RNA-seq data.| 
 +| \\ **52** | \\ RSEM| \\ 1.3.3| \\ Tool for the quantification of RNA-seq data.| 
 +| \\ **53** | \\ roary| \\ 1.7.7| \\ Application for rapidly constructing pan genomes from large numbers of prokaryote sample| 
 +| \\ **54** | \\ racon| \\ 1.4.16| \\ Consensus sequence| 
 +| \\ **55** | \\ quast| \\ 5.1.0rc1| \\ Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies| 
 +| \\ **56** | \\ pyani| \\ 0.2.10| \\ a Python3 module that provides support for calculating average nucleotide identity (ANI)| 
 +| \\ **57** | \\ prokka| \\ 1.14.6| \\ tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes| 
 +| \\ **58** | \\ prodigal| \\ 2.6.3| \\ Prodigal is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm| 
 +| \\ **59** | \\ prinseq| \\ 0.20.4| \\ Tool that generates summary statistics of sequence and quality data and that is used to filter, reformat and trim …| 
 +| \\ **60** | \\ prank| \\ 170427| \\ Is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA,| 
 +| \\ **61** | \\ pplacer| \\ 1.1.alpha17| \\ Places query sequences on a fixed reference phylogenetic tree to maximize phylogenetic likelihood or posterior probability according to a reference …| 
 +| \\ **62** | \\ htslib| \\ 1.10.2| \\ An implementation of a unified C library for accessing common file formats, such as SAM, CRAM and VCF, used for high-throughput sequencing data, …| 
 +| \\ **63** | \\ mash| \\ 2.2| \\ Reduces large sequences and sequence sets to small, …| 
 +| \\ **64** | \\ mafft| \\ 7.470| \\ is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems| 
 +| \\ **65** | \\ ksnp| \\ 3.1.2| \\ Finds single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in whole genome data.| 
 +| \\ **66** | \\ krona| \\ 2.7.1| \\ powerful metagenomic visualization tool| 
 +| \\ **67** | \\ kaiju| \\ 1.7.3| \\ program for the taxonomic classification of high-throughput sequencing reads.| 
 +| \\ **68** | \\ jellyfish| \\ 2.3.0| \\ tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA.| 
 +| \\ **69** | \\ jdk| \\ 8.0_41| \\ Java Develop ToolKit| 
 +| \\ **70** | \\ jdk| \\ 14.0.1| \\ Java Develop ToolKit| 
 +| \\ **71** | \\ jdk| \\ 11.28| \\ Java Develop ToolKit| 
 +| \\ **72** | \\ infernal| \\ 1.1.3| \\ for searching DNA sequence databases for RNA structure and sequence similarities| 
 +| \\ **73** | \\ pilon| \\ 1.23| \\ an automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool| 
 +| \\ **74** | \\ picard| \\ 2.23.1| \\ a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/​BAM/​CRAM and VCF.| 
 +| \\ **75** | \\ phyml| \\ 3.3.20190909| \\ is a phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood principle| 
 +| \\ **76** | \\ phylip| \\ 3.697| \\ a free package of programs for inferring phylogenies| 
 +| \\ **77** | \\ parallel| \\ 20200622| \\ Parallel is an indispensible tool for speeding up bioinformatics. It allows you to easily parallelize commands| 
 +| \\ **78** | \\ paml| \\ 4.9| \\ a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood.| 
 +| \\ **79** | \\ ncftp| \\ 3.2.6| \\ cliente ftp| 
 +| \\ **80** | \\ muscle| \\ 3.8.31| \\ A program to create multiple sequence alignments of a large number of sequences| 
 +| \\ **81** | \\ MUMmer| \\ 3.23| \\ an open source software package for the rapid alignment of very large DNA and amino acid sequences| 
 +| \\ **82** | \\ mothur| \\ 1.44.1| \\ a single resource to analyze molecular data that is used by microbial ecologists| 
 +| \\ **83** | \\ minimap2| \\ 2.17| \\ pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences.| 
 +| \\ **84** | \\ miniconda| \\ 4.8.3| \\ python minimalist| 
 +| \\ **85** | \\ MCL| \\ 14-137| \\ a cluster algorithm for graphs| 
 +| \\ **86** | \\ MinCED| \\ 0.4.2| \\ program to find Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short .| 
 +| \\ **87** | \\ fastqc| \\ 0.11.9| \\ a quality control application for high throughput sequence data.| 
 +| \\ **88** | \\ fasttree| \\ 2.1.11| \\ FastTree infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences| 
 +| \\ **89** | \\ Gblocks| \\ 0.91b| \\ computer program written in ANSI C language that eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of an alignment of DNA or protein| 
 +| \\ **90** | \\ go| \\ 1.14.4| \\ compilador de lenguaje GO| 
 +| \\ **91** | \\ gtdbtk| \\ 1.2.0| \\ a toolkit to classify genomes with the Genome Taxonomy Database, B|
 ====== Activación de MFA (opcional) ====== ====== Activación de MFA (opcional) ======
-<font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) . Este método agrega un capa de seguridad extra a las cuentas de los investigadores,​ y es obligatorio para todos los usuarios.</​font>​+<font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) . Este método agrega un capa de seguridad extra a las cuentas de los investigadores, ​<del>y es obligatorio para todos los usuarios.</​del>​</​font>​
 <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Para activar y usar MFA es necesario seguir tres simples pasos descritos a continuación:</​font>​ <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Para activar y usar MFA es necesario seguir tres simples pasos descritos a continuación:</​font>​
Line 177: Line 357:
 <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​En situaciones especiales como perdida, daño, desinstalación o simplemente cambio de smartphone estan disponibles varias alternativas:</​font>​ <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​En situaciones especiales como perdida, daño, desinstalación o simplemente cambio de smartphone estan disponibles varias alternativas:</​font>​
-  - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Utilizar uno de los 5 códigos de emergencias descritos en el paso 3 para accesar cuando google authenticator no este disponible. Eliminar el archivo .google_authenticator en tu cuenta en Soroban ejecutando el siguiente comando: rm -rf .google_authenticator , y luego repetir el paso 3.</​font>​- - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Ingresar el actual secret key directamente en la nueva instalación de google authenticator en el smartphone para volver activar MFA.</​font>​- - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Contactar como último recurso al siguiente correo en cualquier horario para soporte :</​font>​+  - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Utilizar uno de los 5 códigos de emergencias descritos en el paso 3 para accesar cuando google authenticator no este disponible. Eliminar el archivo .google_authenticator en tu cuenta en Soroban ejecutando el siguiente comando: rm -rf .google_authenticator , y luego repetir el paso 3.</​font>​
 +  ​- - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Ingresar el actual secret key directamente en la nueva instalación de google authenticator en el smartphone para volver activar MFA.</​font>​- ​
 +  ​- <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Contactar como último recurso al siguiente correo en cualquier horario para soporte :</​font>​ 
 +====== ​  ​====== 
 +====== Primeros pasos en Soroban ====== 
 +[[:​namespace:​iniciar_session_en_soroban|iniciar session en Soroban]] 
 +[[:​namespace:​cargar_un_software_en_soroban|Cargar un software en Soroban]] 
 +[[:​namespace:​ejecutar_un_trabajo_en_soroban|Ejecutar un trabajo en Soroban]] 
 +====== Cargando un software/​libreria en Soroban ====== 
 ====== Utilización de module ====== ====== Utilización de module ======
Line 198: Line 392:
 <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​El ejemplo contiene los comandos necesarios para :</​font>​ <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​El ejemplo contiene los comandos necesarios para :</​font>​
-  - <font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Listar las aplicaciones disponibles</​font>​<font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Cargar los programas/​librerias deseados</​font>​<font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Verificar que este disponible la libreria/​aplicación que se ha cargado</​font>​<font 16px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Descargar las aplicaciones cuando no sean necesarias o se desee otra versión.</​font>​+  - Listar las aplicaciones disponibles
 +  ​- Cargar los programas/​librerias deseados
 +  ​- Verificar que este disponible la libreria/​aplicación que se ha cargado
 +  ​- Descargar las aplicaciones cuando no sean necesarias o se desee otra versión.
-{{:​namespace:​module4-c.png?​nolink&​1500x679}}+  - {{:​namespace:​module4-c.png?​nolink&​1500x679}}
 ====== ​  ​====== ====== ​  ​======
  • namespace/cluster_soroban.1605095954.txt.bz2
  • Last modified: 2020/11/11 07:59
  • by admin