Table of Contents

  1. test1
  2. test2
  3. test3
  4. testn

Course of Genome Bioinformatics 2020

Sandbox of MACH

Sandbox of Course of Genome Bioinformatics 2020


Attach a file in a page

1. Upper right, tool icon, select Media Manager

2. On the Media Manager page, Upload tab, select name space doc-mach from the left page (root - namespace - doc-mach)

3. Go to edit page, add follow the format like: {{:namespace:doc-mach:96-4_biomidia.pdf|Test PDF file}}

Two-byte characters such as Japanese characters of the file is accepted.


Escape characters (No formatting)

Use {{}} notation

e.g. {{}}


New line

Just type “\\” at the end of the line. (backslash, backslash, space)