====== SLURM 19.04 ====== Conceptos básicos Jobs Particiones Task Comandos básicos Consultar cola Enviar un programa Cancelar un trabajo ===== Trabajando con SLURM ===== **Simple usage for soroban** 0. Note. '-p intel' (equivalent long option: '–partition=intel') is required for soroban. 1. Save below as text file (e.g. my_first_slurm.sh). #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=example # Nombre para el trabajo a ejecutar en el cluster #SBATCH --partition=intel #SBATCH --output=example_%j.out #SBATCH --error=example_%j.err ls -lh pwd 2. Submit it as SLURM job. sbatch (e.g. sbatch my_first_slurm.sh) 3. Check progress. squeue **Ejecutando un programa con openMPI , usando un script base para SLURM:** #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=example # Nombre para el trabajo a ejecutar en el cluster #SBATCH --partition=intel #SBATCH -n 32 # Debe de ser un número múltiplo de 16, número de procesos #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 # máximo por nodo #SBATCH --output=example_%j.out #SBATCH --error=example_%j.err #SBATCH --mail-user=username@ufrontera.cl #correo para notificacion #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL srun ./mpi_programa ===== 4. Ejemplo básico 3 ===== Este es un ejemplo de un script (ejemplo3.sh) con los elementos minimos para ejecutar el programa R-3.6.1 a través de slurm: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J R-NOMBRE-SIMULACION #SBATCH -a 1-11%3 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --mem=100G #SBATCH --partition=intel module load R/3.6.1 cmds=( 'sleep 10;echo 10' 'sleep 20;echo 20' 'sleep 30;echo 30' 'sleep 40;echo 40' 'sleep 50;echo 50' ) eval ${cmds[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID - 1]} Para enviar este script a slurm, crear un job, y comenzar el procesamiento se requiere lo siguiente: chmod +x ejemplo3.sh sbatch ejemplo3.sh ===== List of available clusters and partitions ===== ==== List of available clusters ==== ==== List of available partitions ==== ===== FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ===== ==== Q. What is the difference of cluster and particion? ==== ==== Q. I always use only one cluster. Is there any way to omit –clusters=[cluster_name] when I check/delete jobs by scontrol/scancel? ==== ===== Further information ===== ==== Use 'man' command after login to servers ==== man sbatch SLURM commands * sacct * salloc * sbatch * scancel * scontrol * sinfo * squeue * sreport ==== Useful reference pages ==== [[https://doku.lrz.de/display/PUBLIC/Running+parallel+jobs+on+the+Linux-Cluster#RunningparalleljobsontheLinux-Cluster-Step1:Editajobscript|https://doku.lrz.de/display/PUBLIC/Running+parallel+jobs+on+the+Linux-Cluster#RunningparalleljobsontheLinux-Cluster-Step1:Editajobscript]] === About job array === [[https://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html|https://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html]] [[https://rcc.uchicago.edu/docs/running-jobs/array/index.html|https://rcc.uchicago.edu/docs/running-jobs/array/index.html]] [[https://www.accre.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UsingArrayJobs.pdf|https://www.accre.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UsingArrayJobs.pdf]] [[https://help.rc.ufl.edu/doc/SLURM_Job_Arrays|https://help.rc.ufl.edu/doc/SLURM_Job_Arrays]] ===== How to rewrite PBSPro/SGE script to SLURM script ===== ==== Common command ==== | |**PBS command** |**SGE command** |**SLURM command** | |Job submission|qsub [scriptfile]|qsub [scriptfile]|sbatch [scriptfile]| |Job deletion|qdel [job_id]|qdel [job_id]|scancel –clusters=[cluster_name] [job_id]| |Job status (for user)|qstat -u [username]|qstat -u [username]|squeue -u [username]| |Extended job status|qstat -f [job_id]|qstat -f -j [job_id]|scontrol –clusters=[cluster_name] show jobid=[job_id]| |Hold a job temporarily|qhold [job_id]|qhold [job_id]|scontrol hold [job_id]| |Release job hold|qrls [job_id]|qrls [job_id]|scontrol release [job_id]| |List of usable queues|qstat -Q|qconf -sql|sinfo, squeue| ==== Resource speciation ==== | |**PBS command** |**SGE command** |**SLURM command** | |Queue|#PBS -q [queue]|#$ -q [queue]|#SBATCH -M=[queue] / #SBATCH –clusters=[queue]| |Processors (Single host)|#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=[#]|#$ -pe smp [#]|#SBATCH -c=[#]?| |Wall clock limit|#PBS -l walltime=[hh:mm:ss]|#$ -l time=[hh:mm:ss]|#SBATCH -t=[#] ("minutes", "minutes:seconds", "hours:minutes:seconds", "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes" and "days-hours:minutes:seconds")| |Memory requirement|#PBS -l mem=XXXXmb|#$ -mem [#]G|#SBATCH –mem=[#][unit;K/M/G/T]?| |Standard output file|#PBS -o [file]|#$ -o [path]|#SBATCH -o [path]| |Standard error|#PBS -e [file]|#$ -e [path]|#SBATCH -e [path]| |Array job|#PBS -J [#-#]|#$ -t [#-#]|#SBATCH -a=[#-#]| |Array number Variable name|${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}|${SGE_TASK_ID}|${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}| |Max simulaneously running tasks for an array job|n/a?|#$ -tc [#]|#SBATCH -a=[#-#]%[#] (e.g. -a=0-15%4)| |Copy environment|#PBS -V|#$ -V|#SBATCH –get-user-env| |Notification event|#PBS -m abe|#$ -m abe|?| |Email address|#PBS -M [email]|#$ -M [email]|#SBATCH -M [email]| |Job name|#PBS -N [name]|#$ -N [name]|#SBATCH -J [name]| |Job restart|#PBS -r [y/n]|#$ -r [yes/no]|#SBATCH –requeue / #SBATCH –no-requeue?| |Move current directory|n/a|#$ -cwd|?| |Move working directory|n/a (in the main part of script, add cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR})|#$ -wd|#SBATCH -D [working_dirpath]| |Use BASH|#PBS -S /bin/bash|?|shebang line (At the first line of the script, add #!/usr/bin/bash| \\